Grepolis what should i build first

As soon as the bubble bursts, your city is fair game. For defense, you must have the walls at level 10 at the very least. Most players refuse to send in support if they aren't on level Any lower, and your neighbors will just walk all over you.

More would be even better, but mostly you will struggle to get it that far in the time allotted to you. Still thinking defense, let's have a look at the academy.

In the academy, you must have researched at least militia and archers. Swordsmen and archers build the backbone of your defense. You don't have to research swordsmen, they are part of the starter pack you get when founding you first city.

You do need barracks to build them in, though. They can be recruited from level one in the barracks, but more levels reduce the time they take for recruiting. To get in defensive units, you need population. One swordsman uses up one population; the same goes for an archer. You should have at least a couple hundred defensive units when you come out of beginner's protection. Swordsmen and archers are for defense only, don't waste them in attacks.

To get population, you have to build farms. Getting in Resources Building your city and recruiting units on land, ships, and mythical units costs resources and for the last one divine favor. Your aim has to be to get resources and favor in sufficient amounts to do so. There are several ways to get resources and divine favor into your city:. Phase 4: Harbor Phoenician Trader Produce hoplites to take your 5th farming village and to prepare for the end of beginner protection. You should have extra silver while pushing to get your harbor.

Farming village 5 Defending: 60 swordsmen. Attack with: 35 hoplites troop pop , will lose about Again more the better. Architecture asap. Attack with: 13 Hor troop pop , will lose about Phase 5: Temple Production : Build horsemen while you push to get your temple built. This will leave you with lots of extra stone. Trade excess wood for stone and silver. BP and Farming note: You should now be out of beginner protection and your troop production needs to accelerate as much as possible.

Once you have the spell Population Growth available you can afford to take bigger losses on attacks. Choose your targets well and be patient when you need to be. After you have those you can focus more on establishing Zone of Control. Technology Push techs and more techs — to Academy 19 At this point getting more techs to increase your efficiency becomes the priority. Your barracks queue is also extremely import ant as you are now out o f beginner protection and clearing a lot of cities.

Techs that you need asap are: Crane. I normally leave this until I have my 2nd and 3rd city. From here on in I only list the minimum required warehouse level for each stage of development but you should push it up earlier if you need the space.

PowerUp Your Polis Now we reach a decision point. You can choose to push immediately for conquest but I strongly discourage taking this path. It is far better to power up your first polis to near maximum production and population before expanding. Potential conquest targets will continue to grow while you power up. Also expanding early puts a very big strain on your resources.

Trying to fund more queues in a second polis at this point is simply going to slow down your overall development. Divine Statue Senate Temple 12 The divine statue gives you the same increase in favor as building another 5 temple levels but at less than half the cost or building time. Thermal Baths senate Farm 35 By this point you should already have your farm built up to around level 30 or higher.

The baths are essential in your first polis as you really need the extra population. Phase 8: Getting Ready for Conquest Academy Harbor Warehouse 21 Conquest Nuke first polis This is an ideal nuke which you may not complete before your first conquest.

Wedding The city you selected will receive stone, wood, and silver coins. Wisdom You will receive a spy report on an attack. City Protection The selected city will be protected from spells for 12 hours divided by world speed.

Nature's Gift The city you selected will receive stone. Illusion Sends out a fake attack on the selected city. Purification Removes all spells and effects except city protection from a city or attack. Expansion One of the most important aspects in Grepolis is expansion. Expansion allows for you grow and eventually conquer the world.

The number of cities you have is dependent on the number of culture levels you have. Cultural levels require an increasing amount of culture points. Firstly, let's start with how to gain culture points. All of these methods provide 1 culture point and may be found in the agora. City Festivals City Festivals involve spending wood, stone, and silver coins.

They last for 24 hours divided by world speed. This is the most commonly used method for culture points that involves spending resources. Olympic Games Olympic Games cost 50 gold each. This is the only method to gain culture points by spending gold.

Victory Processions One of the most common ways of gaining culture points is by performing Victory Processions. Victory Processions cost battle points and lasts for 8 hours divided by world speed.

Theatre Plays Theatre Plays is the least common method for gaining culture points as it takes an excessive amount of time compared to the other methods.

Theatre Plays cost wood, stone, and silver coins. It takes 5 days divided by world speed to complete a Theatre Play. Culture Levels Culture Levels require a certain number of culture points. The required amount increases by 3 with each additional level. The second slot is given for free. The third slot requires 3 culture points, the fourth requires 6, and fifth requires 9, and so on. The number of culture levels is equal to the number of cities you may have.

A player with culture levels may have cities. Geographics In order to expand, you need to obtain more culture levels. You also need to take into consideration where your cities are located.

If you are in a high risk area, you should convert to defensive. If your cities are in a low risk area, you should go offensive while also building some extra defensive cities. Make sure to avoid spacing out your cities too much. Build cities in the rear to stack the frontline cities. Defensive cities in the center should be able to support any city your core in about 4 hours.

Build offensive cities in the corners of your core. This will prevent enemy forces from entering. All borders north, south, west, and east will be covered. If enemies launch an attack on an offensive city, defensive cities in the center of the core will be able to quickly support. Alliances Alliances are an important part of the game.

As a new player or a returning player, you need to make a good impression. When sending an application, either through the system or to a recruitment officer, do not use the standard application mail.

This almost always results in an automatic rejection. Create a custom mail where you note your previous experience could be other games and things about you you work well in a team, you are highly active, etc.. This will get you in an alliance. Alliance forums usually consist of an announcements, a general, a offense, a defense, an off topic, and a couple other sections. It is important that you participate in the discussion. You may be kicked out of the alliance for not using the forums often.

Also, participate in offensive operations and aid people when they are in need. This will make you look good in front of leaders and your fellow alliance-mates. Combat This section deals with the combat area in Grepolis. Basics of Fighting The basics of fighting in Grepolis involve wisdom and strategy. In order to become successful, you must only attack when it will benefit you or your alliance in some way. Needlessly attacking and losing troops will only help the enemy. One way to quickly rebuild lost troops is by looting a smaller city of its resources.

An easy target will result in low losses and a decent amount of loot given the city hasn't already been ransacked. You must also know what troops to attack with and when to do so. Attacking and defending with the wrong troops can be costly in certain situations. Knowledge can conquer numbers 2 out of 3 times. The below sections will help aid you by providing different tactics and information about troops.

Battle Points Battle points may be earned in both defensive and offensive battles. Battle points are equal to the amount of population you killed. Each unit provides the same amount of Battle Points as it took population to build it. If you were to kill a chariot, you would earn 4 battle points.

A colony ship would provide Battle Points. Defensive Battle points are split among all parties that are defending the city. Battle point villages are important because they give you another source of resources.

You can also recruit troops from higher level battle point villages. It is important that you have both offensive and defensive troops in your first city so you can attack the Bandit Camp and gain rewards while also defending your city against other players.

Battle point villages cost battle points to build. With each level, the cost increases. However, you are able to demand more resources and units. Units Overview This section provides a basic overview of all the units. Basic Troop Builds This lesson is about the basic troops and what each one is used for. To be a successful player, you have to use a mixture of troops not necessarily in one city though. There are four types of troops: defensive, offensive, balanced, and non-fighting.

Balanced troops may be used for both defensive and offensive purposes. Others may be used, but nothing trumps the Divine Envoy. I hope this gives you a little more direction, i know it helps me. This is just my own guide and its just a little guidance, but we have a lot of experienced guys who also know what they are doing i am sure they do it slightly different as well, hope it helps all those who are new to this Game. Log in. Page Discussion View source History.

Jump to: navigation , search. Please Note This is a guide written by Nickossa for the. EN forums. However, click here to read the guide on How to Conquer as a Team. Introduction: This is just some guidance that I picked up over time, but is something that has helped me get to the top end of every server which I have played in.


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