Pear pad how much

Someone said: Is your for sale. Someone said: yeh pear phone is real but it just that i have never seen it in my life but i will be very happy to have it. Im sorry i dont think that exists in on a fictional tv show named icarly. Ebay is a good place to look for anything to buy,. How much is a pear pad in malaysia. Johannes Nystra. You can buy A pear phone on pear store. Add Your Answer How much does a pear phone and pear pad cost? How much does a pear phone or pear pad cost? The one on victorious they are so cool I Want one bad it is shaped like a Triangle.

This discussion closely relates to:. How much does a pear pad or pear phone cost i looked every where for them? I want pear phone for real and i looked on all kinds of websites to get one do they sell on ebay on amazon? Anonymous "Are pear pods real and can i bye Are pear pods real and can i bye pear pods? Can I bye a pearpod and are they real. Anonymous "How much does the pear phone cost? How much does the pear phone cost?

How much boes it cost? Connor Jackson. A pear phone low price NOT an iPhone? I want A pear phone for a very low price for like 1 dollar. How much is an pear pad 3 and all the pear pads? How much is an pear pad 3 and all the pear pads im just wondering becasue i really want one i always have wanted one and not this might be the chance for me to get one :D.

Are pear pads and pear phones real i need to know now? I need to know now because my friend has one of his own. Where can you get pair phones and if you can get them do they work and how much are they? Where can you get them and if you can how much.

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Meggymoo77 Level 1 Contributor 3 Answers. The Pear Company makes most of the electronics seen on iCarly. Their products are similar to Apple's, form factor wise. In his fun facts for iPity The Nevel , Dan Schneider said that only good guys on his shows own Pear technology, thus Nevel does not own any Pear products although this led to fans complaining as Sam did not own any PearProducts when the Fun Facts were written, which implied that she was a "bad guy".

It is sometimes seen on screen grabs of the show; in some scenes where one is able to see the screen of the computer, the My Computer and Internet icons from Windows XP are visible, and others. The computer's desktop has a dock similar to the one on OS X.

For example, the shut down icon at the dock looks very much like the Windows shut down icon. The computers however are not real computers, they are plastic replicas of Apple computers. There is nothing on the screen except a green screen, so the producers can key everything on it. All Pear computers come with the video editing software Cutting Room Flow.

The iPear is a home computer that is very similar to the Apple iMac. It uses bluetooth to connect its wireless mouse and wireless keyboard. The iPear most likely comes in two sizes, and is quite expensive. In the Shay's Living room, we can see the newest iPear, with a colored front. Freddie's room has many iPears, from many generations.

The PearBook is a parody of the MacBook line. PearBooks are some of the most seen PearProducts, tied for second with the PearPad, with only the PearPhone surpassing them both in sightings. In looks, the internet browser and every page launched appears to have the OS X look, while the background seems to have Windows XP look to it. With each new generation of PearBooks, the more popular they seem to get. It seems to has a special design on it such as a Special Blue front.

This is a parody of the service that is used on Apple mobile devices as well. You can also remotely lock your PearBook with a passcode, wipe it clean of information, display a warning, or message, or even make it play a sound if you can't see it.

In the episode iBust a Thief, It was mentioned that Sam lost her Red PearBook 4 and Freddie used PearMobile to activate her PearBook's camera to find out who stole it, but the software requires the serial number in order for it to work. The revival series also features a newer PearBook model mainly used by Freddie and is based off of the MacBook Pro. On iCarly, PearPods are impersonations of iPods.

The PearLogo on the back lights up. This PearPod Touch is many generations before the current model. It was used by Andre's Grandmother Victorious at the party. It should still exist, and probably has the same features as the iPod Shuffle, the device it's based on, still has it's same basic features from then.

The PearPod Shuffle probably has models such as: 1gb and 2gb. Since the Pear Company follows Apple inc. The PearPod Classic would come in a gb version, and come in black and white models.

Due to the rise of PearPhone popularity and it's music playing functions, the PearPod line is no longer talked about on iCarly or Victorious anymore. So far, it looks like anyone who's on iCarly owns a PearPhone except Nevel , as he is a "bad guy". Freddie Benson got his first at the same age from his mother, Marissa Benson. As seen in IGoodbye in a shop display at the mall, PearPhones have a colored background which matches the outside color of the phone; similar to iPhone 5C's.

The colors of the PearPhone XT matching the characters:. The variety of colors are seen on Victorious, since these shows seem to take place in the same universe, we can assume, they have the same variety of colors, just no one has those colors. It seems to have special design quest on it such as a Blue front and a light-up Blue Pear logo on the home button, all other PearPhone XT's have a black front, and a white outlined Pear logo on the home button, with a color choice on the back of the PearPhone.

On the PearPhone XT, this feature is built in to help with common problems or questions. This is similar to the Siri Feature available on the iPhone 4S. This feature has not been used on iCarly yet. The name of the assistant is still unknown, and it's only available on the PearPhone XT. It may be used in Season 5, although it hasn't been used yet. Harper 's dons a unique gold phone case that glistens. On iCarly, the PearPad 1 is an obvious exaggeration to the iPad in size, for it is much bigger about four times the size than it is in real life.

The PearPad 1 was first mentioned in a webcast in iGot a Hot Room as one of the things Carly asks for her 16th birthday. The device is also used by Spencer in his blog where he states that he's in jury duty and blogging it up on his PearPad 1. Also, in another one of Spencer's blogs, he says Socko invited him to a wedding and let him use his PearPad 1 on the drive there.

It is also shown in iGet Pranky , after the opening credits end, where Carly is looking at one in her room. In iSell Penny-Tees , while Carly and Freddie discuss penny-tee production with the fourth-graders, Carly is holding a device similar in size and shape to the real Apple iPad. This is the PearPad Mini. It seems to have special design quest on it such as a Blue front and a light-up Blue Pear logo on the home button, all other PearPad 2's have a black front, and a white outlined Pear logo on the home button, with a color choice on the back of the PearPad 2.

The PearPad 2 seems to be liked by the characters, due to the size and popularity, as it is seen with far more people than the PearPad 1 and PearPad Mini.


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