What is the difference between attacking and colonizing in evony
Melee units will attack the highest damage group in their range. For example, an attacking group of warriors have two different defenders in their range, archers and warriors. Archers attack for more than twice that of warriors vs 50 attack so even though there are half as many archers, they collectively do more damage than the defending warriors, so the attacking warriors will kill the defending archers first.
Ranged units archers, ballista and catapults will first attack any other ranged unit in range according to the highest damage group as above. If there are no ranged units in range then it will focus on the melee units, attacking the fastest group first. For example, a group of attacking archers have 1 million warriors and 10 swordsmen in their range. The swordsmen are faster than the warriors so the archers will use their turn to kill them before the warriors even though the warriors pose a much bigger threat.
Now that we have the players and understand the very basic mechanics, we can talk strategy. We can view this attack in steps. The first is to take out the cavarly, then get tradefire with the archers, then swords, then wars, then rams. The trickiest part of cracking any defense is obtaining tradefire archers killing archers with the defending ranged units. The problem is the defending ranged units will have a longer range than the attacking ones thanks to the wall bonus. It is a great tool for visualizing how a battle plays out, but DO NOT use it to plan attacks, it is woefully inaccurate.
Your archers stop moving in order to kill the defending cavs, while the defending archers keep marching towards you. After you kill the cavs, your archers and the defending archers will each move towards each other one last time, and they will both be in range of each other, fantastic! However, if you kill the cavs too fast, then you are one step ahead of where you should be, just in range of the swordsmen and your archers will stop to take them out while the defending archers can inch forward, killing your pikes and swords so that they can then fire on your archers, but you cannot fire on them.
Or, if you take too long to kill the cavs, you let the defending swordsmen get in range of your archers before they have a chance to move forwards toward the defending archers.
In short, you must kill the cavs in three rounds with your archers. If your attack hero has less than attack then you need to send a wave of k warriors, before your spearhead, to get the cavs down to a number where u can kill them in three rounds, if you have a hero with greater than attack then you need to use fewer archers on your spearhead or else you will kill them in two rounds and miss trade-fire. Okay, so what happens when something goes wrong, you look at the report from your first attack and notice none of the archers died?
Yes and no. This is where you must send a wave of only archers. The defending archers are also moving forward, and since they have no pikes or swords to stop and kill, they move into range of your archers instead of having your archers inch towards them, into their larger range, as they kill your pikes and swords. Now that you understand everything that is happening lets do an attack. Use them for all spearhead waves wave 0 can be an exception but you still need a decent hero there Please refer to the leadership post in the heroes section if you have questions.
The reports seen below were achieved using a attack hero with leadership but there would be little difference if your hero has only leadership and equal attack with these troop numbers. Trap and Treb Clearance I like to use waves of 3k warriors to get their traps and trebuchet numbers down, this saves your archers every round, and with more archers left over, they can kill the defending troops faster, could even mean the difference between breaking an entire wave sooner.
Yes: 2k war, sword, pike, 1k ram; k archer No: k archer This should kill the rest of the swords and take a big chunk out of the warriors. You have clicked on roboevony on your desktop, it has opened in an Adobe Flash window, you entered your email, password, security code if applicable and na61, turned off auto goals and auto script, and clicked on login.
You will now see a page that looks like this:. Area 1 is the Goals Section. This is the most important part of the game. This is where you tell bob his daily work.
We will set that up in the next post Next to that tab is Area 2 , the scripts section, where bob does a bit more fancy work. Area 3 is to the left of the page, and where you can see everything that is going on in your city.
Area 4 is for commands. We will go further into writing commands in another post. Area 5 is new to this edition of roboevony; it is the march command. This works just as the rally spot in the live game does.
From here you can send your armies to transport, reinforce, scout, attack and colonize. Area 8 is to set your goals. You must hit this every time you change your goals. If you want to keep those goals even for a day, hit area 9 , save. Area 10 will load your last saved goals, and area 11 will save everything — goals and scripts. Just below these are some information items.
The log will show you everything bob is doing. The city log is just things happening in your city. The war log shows any attacks against or from other players. Maps is a graph of evony. Under that, on the bottom left, open account , and you will find your mail , alliance information , statistics on players and alliances, information about historic heroes , the place to roll for legendary heroes , all your items, and all of your reports.
On the bottom right, you will find alliance chat , p rivate chat , world chat , and system notifications. Now that you have familiarized yourself with bob, the next post will show you how to set up your goals. This is terribly important! The following guide is based on attacking a level 5 npc mainly, but important for all attacks. Skip to content Ah, those pesky quests. Once you have a full feasting hall, you can remove your inn and replace it with a barrack. There are three kinds of Rewards: Gold: gold for each level of a Hero buys 5 loyalty points.
Seek independent financial advice before trying this with a high level Hero. If you are playing live, you can use this trick to increase the population to fill your barracks: Click on your town hall, and change the production to 0 for all resources.
Evony is not Call of Duty. The alliance is all important in Evony, not just something you use to achieve immediate goals: Evony is not Farmville. People say this all the time, though the meaning may be unclear.
You are making them to use the in war; they are going to die. Evony is not an empire building or world building game. You do need to build cities, but as a means to an end — to make and house troops, to do research, to upgrade equipment.
You just want the requisite buildings to do the job they are intended for. See the post on city building, if you are unsure about this. While there are some lone wolf players out there, the majority of players are in an alliance, and need to respect and work with that alliance to achieve goals.
You would do this by smack talking in world chat — being an ass will get your alliance declared on really quickly. The goals of most alliances are first to secure the state — taking the capital city, then the historic cities throughout. As it grows, it also involves running other alliances out of state. Eventually, it will mean moving to other states, and clearing them of other alliances.
Do not jump the gun. You may well be putting a spike in the overall plans for the alliance. This is a war game or at least I thought it was until Age 2. The weak are always going to be preyed upon by the strong. If Evony wants to keep it's customers around it needs to start looking at the beginners protection period and start figuring out how to protect these people.
No one really spends a lot of money until they get hooked on this game. Bring back the attack button and merge it with the colonization system.
The attack feature has a much better fun factor and will keep players around a lot longer. Ok that prob is fixed with a speech text,if they pay for there coin should be real easy to fix now shouldnt it? The Game is war based suck it up. I like the feature to a point,u can colonize 6 cites to every one u have built,i hate building new cities,i would prefer to beat a players city down,conquer it then use it to colonize more cites.
I feel your agony, however, I rather like this new feature of Age 2, i'll tell you why. The player gets pludered. So if i had 1 million food, 1 million lumber , 1 million stone and 1 million iron plus the gold, all this is wiped away in age 1 wheras it wouldnt occur in age 2 unless the city was a level 12 or higher level city. But when a city is colonized, only 10 percent of the 1 million food, 1 million lumber , 1 million stone and 1 million iron plus the gold is lost to the suzerain.
In age 2, only level 12 or higher level cities are attackable. Players just have to learn to attack the level 12's and the level 14's instead. The Evony developers have listened.
Join Date Aug Posts In one way I love and hate this colonize, with normal attack I can just beat on a host till his a nice colour of NPC, this new way hes my b! Join Date Apr Posts 3. Level10 Farming. Material Farming. Medal Hunting. Prestige Farming. Script Farming. Valley Farming. Hero strength. Levelling up heroes.
Recruiting Heroes. Star sets life bonus. Upgrading Gear. Upgrading stars. Level 12 HC. Level 14 HC. Level 16 HC. Level 18 HC. Undraftable Numbers. Capturing Historic Heroes. Historic hero Leadership.
Making money from HH. Special Thanks To. Taking level 10 npcs. Taking level 8 npcs. Terror2 officer test. Welcome To Evony Starter Guide. I have dedicated a whole section on combat, which lists the different attack waves, and various general information. However when you are porting on someone that's a lot to read when you aren't going to need most of it. Every attack is of course different but i am going to attempt to split it into three different categories.
Second stage is to destroy their swords and pikes. Both these stages are really easy. Killing the swords and pikes just needs archer rainbows, or mech waves layered mech waves. You can generally tell when this stage is over with hero exp which will change when you have killed them all, and you should have a rough estimate in your mind as too how much it will take, to know when to start checking xp.
Initially when you start hitting warriors you may not notice, you actually kill more warriors if the defender has a few fodder left than if he doesn't. Only once completely none are left will there be a large subtraction in the experience. Personally as a 15 set user , against another 15 set i would expect a drop from k experience to more like 50k on my rainbows. Does't actually matter whether the guy is in a 5K or a CD.
Usually i find with equal sets you kill what you lose, after heals. You could, if you were a mech kind of person, send mech, but not very economical to do so. Either against CD or 5K again, doesn't matter. If you don't layer the mech then must hit 5K for bigger kills. Once the archers are dead you will hit their mech, because they are in CD. Personally, i dislike attacking a CD, because it is far less sophisticated. There are two ways to go about it, wiping the ranged units first, or wiping the infantry first.
But always cavs and phrax killed first, do that with warrior and pike waves, either one of the two or a mix, if they have low numbers don't send full waves.
Wiping ranged first: Lots of archer rainbows and mech. After the ranged is gone you will hit the infantry and cap wipe them in order of speed, so scouts, cavs, phrax, so on, unless you kill horses. You could use rams for infantry, but costly to do it that way.
Cav waves, or ram waves if you have that option available. Then cavs or jaqs to wipe his infantry, that bit is incredibly fun with a CD, you wipe millions per hit, and i find that very satisfying.