Which pick paul gilbert uses

By honeyiscool , November 15, in Electric Guitars. So much for the theory that those are beginner picks. Which I've heard said by some on this forum before. Of course, they're beginner picks when I use them, but anyway I wouldn't model my pick-selection after Paul Gilbert. He can play, but his pick attack sounds terrible. It's like a cellist but really grating.

Happily those nuances don't show up in his music so much, just in his YouTube lessons and whatnot. I think it's his sound, though. He alternate picks a lot and it's one of those things that really lets you know you're listening to Paul Gilbert.

It's fine to not like it, but I think it adds character. Many shredders sound bad solo anyway. I never thought of them as beginner picks, but I'm surprised that he uses a pick with that much flex. I prefer 1. A thought just popped into my head.

If his guitars are setup with mega low action then he might use the flimsy pick so that he can play a little more aggressively without incurring the buzz he would if he was hitting hard with a solid pick.

EVH uses 0. Originally Posted by Canadian Jeff. I don't particularly like the sound either, sounds like you're trying to get a phaser sound out of your pick. Well, he usually uses a healthy amount of distortion, but when demoing his fast playing in instructional videos, he uses only light overdrive that shows the click clicky sound that the pick makes on the string. He rarely uses that sound when he's actually playing a song, though, and I've seen him play acoustic guitar and he doesn't really do that, either.

But Mr. Nothing could be further from the truth. Using picking and legato combined is what most shredders are doing. Skip to content. Now if you search on amazon you will come up with a couple other picks. One is the Ibanez Signature picks. The other is the 30th Anniversary signature picks. That, and the more I got used to it, the more I found myself strumming acoustic-style through the solos. So thin picks are good for that stuff.

It remains to be seen whether the picks shown in the post will be released by Tortex, so keep your eyes peeled if you fancy picking some up later down the line to do your best Gilbert impression.


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